Welcome to Sashyashree Agri
We are a leading seeds producing organization since 1992 in Eastern India. Mr. Jagannath Das, presently MD of the Company is the founder.
We are a leading seeds producing organization since 1992 in Eastern India. Mr. Jagannath Das, presently MD of the Company is the founder.
Company was started with the trade name Santosh Seed Centre, a proprietorship firm in 1992 and then the name was changed by Santosh Seed Farm. After a long journey Company was converted in to a Private Limited Company with the name of Sashyashree Agri Processing Private Limited in 2018. Company was started business only producing and supplying of Mustard Seeds in 1992. Being West Bengal the major paddy growing state, that time there was huge requirement of good quality paddy seeds in both season, Kharif and Rabi.
Know more about usPaddy Seeds is our main product. We produce Hybrid Paddy Seeds, Improved Paddy Seeds and Notified Paddy Seeds and also Non notified farmer’s domain verities and it includes short duration, medium duration and long duration. Also we produce aromatic rice seeds “Badhsa Bhog” and “Swarnamoti”.
We started our business with Mustard Seeds. Latter we include Sesame Seeds and Groundnut Seeds. “Sohini” Improve Mustard Seed and “Usha” Improve Sesame Seed is High valued and most popular among farmers.
Jute is very important commercial crop in West Bengal. We import jute seeds from Andhra Pradesh and supply to our farmers in affordable price.
Now a day it is very popular to grown fodder grass for domestic animal such as cattle, cow, goat etc. Fodder grass carries very high protein and minerals for livestock. We deal on Hybrid Sudan Grass Seeds and Hybrid Bajra Seeds and carrying from Andhra Pradesh.
Maize is very important crop now a day. It is use in different ways as Food and as Feed purpose. We import hybrid maize seeds from Andhra Pradesh and Telengana.
We only produce different type of leafy vegetables and which are most popular to common people. We produce and packed only special quality seeds in affordable price.
Seed is the Primary and Important element of Farming. It is very important to choose best quality seeds for the better yield, because “Good Seeds Only Can Give High Yield”. When the question becomes on quality “Sashyashree” Seeds is the “Farmer’s Best Choice”. We always care about the development and up gradation in Seeds Production.
Here we have provided the latest catalogue of our products. It includes the product details to access the procedure of farming of any particular variety. It also describes the characteristics, average yield, seed to seed duration, grain type etc. crop wise of each variety.